About the Project...
The Bare Platters Gathering was a project Shelly created to bring awareness to the food insecurities of our community. So many families experience a time where funds are scarce to afford to even eat regularly.
In 2020, Shelly experienced this for herself. The beginning of the pandemic was a shock to all, but even more so for those that own their own businesses and artists who rely on the funds from their art being sold. Many of the shows that Shelly participates in were canceled due to the spread of COVID-19. She had the need to go to Adopt-a-Block powered by The Dream Center, a program for those with food insecurities to get food that is donated.
This collection of works is a way for Shelly to give back to the community. Fifty percent of all proceeds will go back to Adopt-a-Block. Shelly received a grant through Dakota West Art Council to create this collection of works. The first venue these works were shown was Bismarck Art & Galleries Association. Check out the exhibit tour here: https://www.bismarck-art.org/previous-exhibit-tours. The next venue for the showing of these works will be at Bismarck Downtown Artist Co-op in October.